Summer Camp registration will begin Monday, April 29th at 9am in the preschool office!
The registration period ends on May 8th.
Age groups will be:
*Infants (max of 5)
*Toddlers and Twos combined (max of 13)
*Threes and Fours combined (max of 14)
**ALL classes are dependent on enrollment**
3 day Tuesday-Thursday $80
4 day Monday-Thursday $90
5 day Monday-Friday $100
(10% discount for siblings)
Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $15 (siblings half price)
due at the time of registration
Time: 9am-12noon
Camp weeks are:
June 3 June 24 July 15 August 5
*Space is Limited*
Tuition for all camps is due May 15
Children must be enrolled in MPC CDC or a MPC church member to participate in our summer camps.